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Welcome to Utah Case Management

Located in the Salt lake Valley, Utah Case Management is your local New Choices Waiver case management company. 
Our team is committed to help you and your family find the safest long-term care options for your loved ones.

Utah Case Management Mission
Our mission is to enhance the lives of individuals on the New Choices Waiver Program by providing services and supports that enable our clients to thrive and participate in their communities. Together with our team of nurses and social workers, we provide clients with assistance in locating, accessing, coordinating, and monitoring needed services that are available to them through this program

What is the Utah Medicaid New Choices Waiver?
This waiver program is designed to serve people who have been residing long term in a nursing facility, assisted living facility, small health care (Type N) facility or other Utah licensed medical facility that is not an institution for mental disease (IMD). The program provides supportive services to enable individuals to live in their own homes or in other community-based settings.
Learn more here.

Our Services

Services generally furnished 4 or more hours per day on a regularly scheduled basis, for one or more days per week, or as specified in the care plan, in a non-institutional, community-based setting, encompassing both health and social services needed to ensure the optimal functioning of the participant.

Services that assist participants in gaining access to needed waiver services and other Medicaid State Plan services, as well as needed medical, social, educational, and other services, regardless of the funding source.

Habilitation Services are active teaching/training therapeutic activities to supply a person with the means to develop or maintain maximum independence in activities of daily living and instrumental activities of daily living, socialization and adaptive skills necessary to reside successfully in home and community-based settings.

Services consisting of the performance of general household tasks (e.g., meal preparation, grocery shopping, laundry and routine household care including but not limited to cleaning bathrooms, doing dishes, dusting, vacuuming, sweeping, mopping) provided by a qualified homemaker, when the individual regularly responsible for these activities is temporarily absent or unable to manage the home and care for him or herself or others in the home. 

Care provided to give relief to, or during the absence of, the normal care giver. Respite care may include hourly, daily and overnight support and may be provided in the individual’s place of residence, a facility approved by the State which is not a private residence, or in the private residence of the respite care provider.

Services defined in 42 CFR 440.70 that are provided when home health aide services furnished under the approved State plan limits are exhausted. The scope and nature of these services do not differ from home health aide services furnished under the State plan. Services are defined in the same manner as provided in the approved State plan. The provider qualifications specified in the State plan apply.

Services that assist the participant (or the participant’s family or representative, as appropriate) in arranging for, directing and managing services. Serving as the agent of the participant or family, the service is available to assist in identifying immediate and long-term needs, developing options to meet those needs and accessing identified supports and services. Practical skills training is offered to enable families and participants to independently direct and manage waiver services. Examples of skills training include providing information on recruiting and hiring employees, managing employees and providing information on effective communication and problem-solving. The service/function includes providing information to ensure that participants understand the responsibilities involved with directing their services. The extent of the assistance furnished to the participant or family is specified in the care plan. This service does not duplicate other waiver services, including case management. 

Financial Management Services is offered in support of the self-administered services delivery option. Services rendered under this definition include those to facilitate the employment of individual service providers (employees) by the waiver participant (employer) or designated representative.

Supportive services provided in an approved community-based adult residential facility. Supportive services are expected to meet scheduled and unpredictable participant needs and to provide supervision, safety and security in conjunction with residing in a homelike, non-institutional setting. 

Assistive technology device means an item, piece of equipment, or product system, whether acquired commercially, modified, or customized, that is used to increase, maintain, or improve functional capabilities of participants. Assistive technology service means a service that directly assists a participant in the selection, acquisition, or use of an assistive technology device.

Provision of essential household items and services needed to establish and maintain basic living arrangements in a community setting that enable the individual to establish and maintain health and safety. Essential household items include basic furnishings and kitchen and bathroom equipment. This service also includes moving expenses, one-time non-refundable fees to establish utility services and other services essential to the operation of the residence, and services necessary for the individual’s health and safety such as pest eradication and one-time cleaning prior to occupancy. This service may also be used to replace old depleted household items and furnishings that are necessary to ensure the health and safety of a participant if the participant is moving from one setting to another. 

Equipment and/or physical adaptations to the individual’s residence or vehicle which are necessary to assure the health, welfare and safety of the individual or which enable the individual to function with greater independence in the home and in the community. The equipment/ adaptations are identified in the individual’s care plan and the model and type of equipment are specified by a qualified individual. The adaptations may include purchase, installation, and repairs. Other adaptation and repairs may be approved on a case by case basis as technology changes or as an individual’s physical or environmental needs change.

Medication Reminder System: Medication Reminder System provides a medication reminder by a third party entity or individual. that is not the clinician responsible for prescribing and/or clinically managing the individual.  Services involve non face-to-face medication reminder techniques (e.g. phone calls, telecommunication devices, medication dispenser devices with electronic alarms which alert the individual and a central response center staffed with qualified individuals, etc.) 

Medication Set-Up and Administration: Services of an individual authorized by State law to set-up medications in containers that facilitate safe and effective self-administration when individual dose bubbling packaging by a pharmacy is not available and assistance with self-administration is not covered as an element of another waiver service.

An electronic device that enables an individual to secure help in an emergency through a connection to a signal response center that is staffed by trained professionals on a 24 hour per day, seven days a week basis.

Home Delivered Supplemental Meal provides a nutritionally sound and satisfying meal to individuals residing in non-facility settings who are unable to prepare their own meals and who do not have a responsible party or volunteer caregiver available to prepare their meals for them.

Personal budget assistance provides assistance with financial matters, fiscal training, supervision of financial resources, savings, retirement, earnings and funds monitoring, monthly check writing, bank reconciliation, budget management, tax and fiscal record keeping and filing, and fiscal interaction on behalf of the individual.

Specialized medical equipment and supplies to include devices, controls, or appliances, specified in the plan of care, which enable participants to increase their abilities to perform activities of daily living, or to perceive, control, or communicate with the environment in which they live. This service covers items necessary for life support including prescribed nutritional supplements, ancillary supplies and equipment necessary to the proper functioning of such items, and durable and non-durable medical equipment not available under the Medicaid State plan.

Service offered in order to enable waiver participants to gain access to non-medical waiver and other community services, activities and resources, as specified by the care plan. Transportation services under the waiver are offered in accordance with the participant’s care plan.

Attendant care services are those that reinforce an individual’s strengths, while substituting or compensating for the absence, loss, diminution, or impairment of a physical or cognitive function. Attendant services incorporate and respond to the participant’s preferences and priorities. 

Services needed to maintain the home in a clean, sanitary and safe environment. This service includes heavy household chores such as carpet cleaning, pest eradication, cleaning windows and walls, tacking down loose rugs and tiles, lawn mowing, moving heavy items of furniture or snow removal which is necessary in order to provide safe access or egress.

Training and counseling services for individuals who provide unpaid support, training, companionship or supervision to participants. Training includes instruction about treatment regimens and other services included in the care plan, use of equipment specified in the care plan, and includes updates as necessary to safely maintain the participant at home.

We'll Make it Right

Our Goal at UCM is to Provide World Class Case Management.

How To Enroll With UCM

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